Dato Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Hj Abd Razak
The Government must realise that it must be genuine and sincere in its effort to unite the nation. In this regard, no government agency must be used intentionally to split the country. Otherwise, after forty six years of independence, this country is still living on fears and paranoid. If we do that, it means Malaysia is sending the wrong signal to the young of this country.
Many Malaysians don't understand, why there is no healing process being undertaken to resolve the racial conflict? It seems like, we are forever in a state of discrimination pertaning to issues of opportunities. Why is the question of resolving poverty, scholarship, government jobs etc, are not done in respect of the Chinese, Indian and other races. All races have their poor too.
Instead, they are being sidelined. The Prime Minister's, One Malaysia Concept.....can truly be a unifying factor if it is applied based on its original principles and its programme reflecting the same. There is a feeling that somewhere, along the line, some Napoleons have introduced their own agenda.
Totally different from what was pictured.
It's like they have two sets of programme, the one shown to the Prime Minister and his cabinet is the positive one containing the original ideas but the other (which they actually implemented) is negative and is destructive to the basic scheme.
So when the Deputy Prime Minister defended the BTN, his impression was that he was defending the positive programme ( shown to the cabinet ). In actual fact, it was the negative one (creating disunity and not unity, further affecting the racial divide). Unwittingly this was the case.
The implication is, it will create adverse effects on Malaysians.